Updates from Pastor Eric Hernando


Church Family,

I wanted to keep you updated on our church’s current situation and continued response and efforts to both minister to people’s spiritual needs while staying safe physically. As I shared last week, we were made aware of two individuals within our church community who were around other members during the weekend of 7/25 that tested positive for Covid. After that, several other members of our church tested positive for Covid the following week. To my knowledge, there have been no additional individuals who have gotten sick within the past few days so I am hopeful that there has been no additional spread within our church family since the 7/25 weekend.

Precautions Being Taken

Due to the impact this virus has had on our volunteer teams and to reduce risk of further exposure, we are taking the following precautions.

  1. For one more week there will be no in person kids’ ministries offered on Sunday. Daniel and Brittanie Wonderly will be emailing our families instructions and videos for at home kid’s church services. These will also be available on our HopeKids Facebook page. We are hopeful and preparing to be able to resume offering kids’ ministries on August 15th.
  2. The Royal Rangers and Girls’ Ministries will postpone their registration and kickoff to the new year until August 15th at 5:00pm.
  3. The Women’s Ministries Spa night that was planned for Friday, August 6th has been moved to Friday, August 13th at 6:00pm.
  4.  We will stream Sunday’s worship service from the Sanctuary at 10:00am for everyone who wishes to worship remotely. If you have a fever, feel sick, or are at risk for contracting this disease we ask that you worship from home. If you have immunity and wish to worship in person, the sanctuary doors will be open for you to be able to join us. If possible, we want to avoid a further complete shutdown of in person worship, so we ask that you make the choice that is wisest and best both for you and for those around you.


For More Information, Questions, Concerns

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to email Pastor Eric at [email protected] or call the church office at 602-843-0990.

May God Bless you and Keep you!

Pastor Eric